
Wednesday, June 2

Take me seriously bro!

        We have games where, a physicist is able to take down an invasion from another dimension, where a genetically engineered super soldier can win a war single handedly,  and a game where a clone of a perfect soldier's arm grafted onto his enemy and is slowly taking control of his body as he tries to create his own nation of only soldiers and no one wants to nuke them. This is the medium we play around in, the one where we scream to high heaven that we want our older brother mediums to take us seriously. While we make, pew pew noises and play with our action figures and I will still be a proponent that our medium should be taken seriously.

       Our medium is the only one, you know besides the pick your own adventure books which I loath because I always die, that gives us consequences to our decisions. Yet, when you really think about the plot and what you are doing in it, it's amazing that the choices and the consequences mean anything to us at all. Why should it matter to us whether or not batman kills someone, when the character's nemesis is a crazy clown. It doesn't make sense to me when someone goes out of the way to tell me about the plot of a game. So many of our games really have ridiculous plots that if it was brought about in any other medium people would not pay attention to it.

       Yet, we will still constantly defend our genetically engineered super soldiers. Is it because of the experience that we enjoy wills us to defend what we like even though it's not all that great? Take my favorite games for example, I will always defend the plot of Halo, Assassins Creed, or anything created by Bioware. Please, don't make me discuss my massive love and respect for Bioware. It's like I am constantly having a nerd affair with Bioware and their games, thats enough of a discussion about that however.

      What games will you always and forever defend no matter how bad and incoherent they are? Metal Gear Solid does not count, cause I don't think anyone really understands what is happening.