
About me

    I am a writer, designer, editor, gamer, lover of literary works, lover of language. This is me in a very shrewd nutshell, or in a bubble...I don't know what it is but apparently I am in something as of this moment. I am very much a scrub, a nerd, and a massive gamer these are just words that describe me however you cannot really hope to understand who I am unless you start to read the articles I create. My articles tend to be very serious for some reason. I'm not exactly sure why that is the case. I know Freud would blame it on wanting to have sex with my mother or something, what is his deal with mothers? Was he just covering up his insecurities for wanting to sleep with his mother by assuming everyone has this trait? I would ask him but apparently he's dead so i'm just going to assume I am right and I just pwned him.