
Wednesday, May 12

To think all the way back then

It's ridiculous to think that a guy like me remembers a time when EB games was still a thing and not just in technicality. When I bought a subscription to GMR monthly the in house magazine that EB games published. Which I must say was a mighty fine magazine, I certainly loved it. Not to mention they filled the magazine with a shit ton of coupons and leaflets that were just waiting to drown you in paper cuts the moment you turned your back. Such a memory like this is sapping my resolve to put it quite bluntly, to watch so many cherished memories fade away because of capitalism or just the down turning economy is one thing. It's a whole other to watch something be destroyed because the preferred medium in which we ingest something is changing outright.

 To think not long ago I was the nerd kid in middle school that lived in england. During the weekends I would spend the weekend at my best friends house playing LAN, I was a big proponent of Tribes and still am hoping eventually they will bring it back. These were the glory days of my nerdom when everything was perfectly in place and I realized how amazing video games and science fiction was. Then a new generation of systems were released, I got the PlayStation 2, why you might ask well someone showed me the lord of the rings hack and slash video game they had created for it. My mind was blown by the jumping between the in game graphics and the movie scenes. Thinking back now, I wonder how well it was actually implemented. My best friend was a complete Nintendo lover and bought the GameCube, no one I knew had an Xbox it wasn't even something we discussed or really acknowledged.

Such an odd first post, and very rambling, well what can I tell you i'll get the hang of it as time goes on.